Look In 2025
T E C H N O L O G Y 20881 Twist USB Stick 3.0 USB stick with one type A and one type C port, 32GB storage capacity. Your logo will be engraved on the clip. Deliveries within Germany are subject to GEMA fees. 7 × 1,9 × 1,1 cm | L2 2,7 × 1,2 | N 20877 Twist USB Stick with medium wood cover Bamboo cover USB stick with 4GB storage capacity. Your logo will be engraved on the clip. Deliveries within Germany are subject to GEMA fees. 5,7 × 2 × 1 cm | L2 1,2 × 2,7 | K 20876 Twist USB Stick with light wood cover USB stick with light wood (maple) cover and 4GB capacity. Your logo will be engraved on the clip. De- liveries within Germany are subject to GEMA fees. 5,7 × 2 × 1 cm | L2 1,2 × 2,7 | K 20878 Twist USB Stick with dark wood cover Dark wood (walnut) cover USB stick with 4GB storage capacity. Your logo will be engraved on the clip. Deliveries within Germany are subject to GEMA fees. 5,7 × 2 × 1 cm | L2 1,2 × 2,7 | K 20336 8GB USB Card USB card with 8GB storage capacity. Thanks to its flat shape it can be easily stowed anywhere. The large white area is perfect for digital print. Deliveries within Germany are subject to GEMA fees. 8,3 × 5,2 × 0,2 cm | DC1 8,3 × 5,2 | K 4c 87
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