Look In 2025
92691 Rechargeable Table lamp with touch sensor Aluminum table lamp (3.5W) with touch sensor, continuously dim- mable and a 3,600 mAh battery that gives you light for 5-20 hours. The table lamp is rechargeable (charging time: about 4-6h). We will engrave your logo on the lamp shade. ø 10,8 × 37 cm | L3 4 × 3 | K 94997 Stainless steel table lamp Stainless steel table lamp in the shape of a mushroom with recharge- able battery (1200 mAh output) and 20 LEDs. The lamp is infinitely dimmable and the light colour can be changed between warm, cold and natural light. Incl. C-type charging cable. We engrave your logo on the base of the lamp. 10 × 10 × 18 cm | L3 3 × 2 | K 95181 Stainless steel table lamp Stainless steel table lamp with rechargeable battery (800 mAh power). The lamp is dimmable and the light colour can be changed between warm and white light. Includes C-type charging cable. We engrave your logo on the base of the lamp. ø 12,8 × 28 cm | L3 3 × 1 | K 288
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