Look In 2025
82640 Glass coffee or tea maker with a bamboo lid Coffee or tea maker made of borosilicate glass with piston, strain- er, bamboo lid and a capacity of 600ml. Your logo will be placed on the mug. ø 9,2 × 17,5 cm | C3 5 × 5 | K 83185 Glass jug with bamboo lid, 1000ml Glass jug with closable bamboo lid, pouring sieve and a capacity of 1,000 ml. Your logo will be engraved on the lid. ø 13 × 12,5 cm | L3 ø 5 | K 82296 Wooden tea box with glass lid Wooden storage box for up to 40 tea bags with glass lid and divid- ed compartments. Your logo will be engraved onto the box. 15 × 15 × 8,4 cm | L3 6 × 4 | K 242
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