Look In 2025
83973 Stainless steel cup 480ml Large stainless steel mug with 480ml capacity. Du- rable and virtually indestructible, it is suitable for all outdoor activities. We will engrave your logo on the black exterior. ø 8,8 × 12 cm | L3 4 × 4 | PW 81488 Metal mug Double-walled, robust, stainless steel cup with a 300 ml capacity. Your advertisement will be en- graved on one side. ø 7,5 × 8,8 cm | L3 4 × 4 | K 81367 Metal mug with snap hook Double-walled, stainless steel cup with coloured snap hook and a 200 ml filling capacity. Your advertisement will be engraved on one side. ø 6,8 × 7,8 cm | L3 4 × 4 | K 83928 Double-walled mug, 300 ml Double-walled stainless steel mug with handle, bamboo lid and 300ml capacity. We engrave your logo on the bamboo lid. ø 8 × 12,2 cm | L3 ø 4 | K 83992 Foldable stainless steel drinking cup Foldable stainless steel drinking cup with 250ml ca- pacity. Can be stored in the integrated metal tin with carabiner to save space and is ideal for all outdoor activities. We will engrave your logo on the lid. ø 7,8 × 3,3 cm | L2 ø 4 | K 03 04 05 09 03 04 05 06 212
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