Look In 2025
58622 Squeeze ball, kneadable foam plastic Anti-stress squeezing ball made of kneadable foam plastic, relieve stress or train your hand muscles. The surface of the ball is the ideal space for your logo, your logo will be engraved. ø 6,3 cm | L2 3 × 1,5 | P 22718 Anti-stress football Anti-stress squeeze football made of foam. Exercise your hand muscles or simply relieve some stress. Your logo will be printed on the free white area. ø 5,6 cm | L2 ø 1,5 | P 51848 Squeeze ball in globe shape Squeeze ball in globe shape. Perfect to relieve stress and good for finger muscles. Your logo will be engraved onto the ball. ø 7 cm | L2 3 × 1,5 | P 52308 Squeeze duck Squeeze duck made from PVC. Pure bath joy for everyone. Your logo will be printed onto the duck. 7,6 × 6,9 × 7 cm | T3 2,5 × 1 | P 93146 Fidget toy Fidget toy for squeezing, suitable for all ages. Ideal for calming down or just for fun against boredom. Your logo will be engraved on the middle part. 12,6 × 12,6 × 1,4 cm | L2 3,4 × 3,4 | K 93142 Fidget dice Fidget dice for pushing, turning, sliding, suitable for all ages. Ideal for calming down or just for fun against boredom. Your logo will be printed on the cube. 3,8 × 3,5 × 3,8 cm | DC1 2 × 2 | K 05 09 04 08 05 09 06 10 206
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