Look In 2025
12537 Metal pen with bomboo appliquees Matt twist ballpoint pen made of metal with a blue refill and bamboo appliquees on both sides. Your logo will be engraved on the ballpoint pen. 14,8 × 1,1 × 1,6 cm | L1 4 × 0,6 | KS 12798 4-in-1 Laser pointer 4-in-1 metal laser pointer + LED, with ball pen (blue and red-writ- ing) in attractive metal box*. We will engrave your logo on the upper area. ø 1 × 15,4 cm | L2 3,5 × 0,6 | K 15318 Laser pointer and LED Pen Metal laser pointer with LED, and blue-writing ball pen in a beautiful wooden box*. We will engrave your logo to the right of the clip. ø 0,9 × 13,6 cm | L2 4 × 0,6 | K 12614 Aluminium push pen, shiny metalic Aluminium ballpoint pen in shiny metallic colours. We engrave your logo to the right of the clip. ø 1 × 14,2 cm | L1 4 × 0,6 | P 13494 twist function ballpen Twist function ballpen made of metal with gold ap- plications and blue-writing refill. Your logo will be engraved to the right of the clip. ø 1,3 × 14,6 cm | L1 4 × 0,6 | P 77 95 98 18
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