Look In 2025
B A G S 60859 Foldable shopping bag in cotton Natural coloured and foldable cotton bag (140g / m²) with carry- ing handle. We will print your logo on one side. 37,5 × 0,3 × 42 cm | ST 26 × 27 | N 61411 Foldable cotton bag Easy to carry and space saving shopping bag with handles. Envi- ronmentally friendly, made of natural cotton. Your logo is printed on one side. 38 × 0,3 × 42,5 cm | ST 26 × 27 | N 61477 Cotton sack Bread bag made of environmentally friendly cotton with drawstring for closing. Your logo will be printed on one side. 30 × 0,3 × 49,5 cm | ST 18 × 25 | N 19.0.79660 HohensteinHTTI 19.0.79660 HohensteinHTTI 19.0.79660 HohensteinHTTI 161
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