Look In 2025

W R I T I N G F210 Pix Ferraghini PixluxosFerraghini.Combinaţiasuprafeţeinegrelăcuiteşiamaterialuluiîmpletitesteaccen- tuat cu detalii cromate. Pixul vine într-un penar care se închide magnetic. Ferraghini ball pen with twist mechanism with cloth cover in ar- tificial leather case Luxurious Ferraghini ball pen with twist mechanism. The combination of black-lacquered surfaceandclothcover inbraideddesign ishighlightedbyoccasionalchromeaccents.The blue-writingmetalballpen isstored inavelourpaddedartificial leathercasewithmagnetic closure. We will engrave your logo to the right of the clip. ø 1,2 × 14,5 cm | G3 | K F101 Set de scris Ferraghini cu pix roller și stilou Set de scris Ferraghini format dintr-un pix roller si un stilou din aluminiu (ambele cu scris albastru). Setul vine într-o carcasă asortată. Ferraghini Writing Set with Rollerball and Fountain pen Ferraghini writing set, consisting of a roller and a fountain pen made of aluminium. The set comes with a matching case. Your logo will be engraved onto both writing instruments. 16 × 7 × 3,6 cm | G3 | K F263 Pix cu mecanism rotativ Ferraghini Pix elegant Ferraghini din metal cu mecanism rotativ, cu aplicaţii argintii și mină mare cu cerneală de culoare neagră. Ferraghini metal twist action pen Elegant twistactionbiros from theFerraghinibrandmadeofmetalwithsilver applications and a large capacity refill that writes in black. We will engrave your logo on the opposite side of the Ferraghini logo. ø 1,2 × 14,3 cm | G2 | K 03 04 77 5