Look In 2025

W R I T I N G 11682 Pix RIO Pix RIOcu clip metalic, grip cauciucat și mină mare albastră. Transparent ball pen with rubber grip Transparent ball pen with silver metal clip, rubber grip zone and blue-writing large refill. We will print your logo to the right of the clip. ø 1,3 × 14,5 cm | T1,UV | P 11681 Pix RIO-SILVER Pix RIO-SILVER cu clip metalic, grip cauciucat și mină mare. Ball pen with satin finish Ball pen with satin finish, rubber grip zone, and blue-writing large refill. We will print your logo to the right of the clip. ø 1,3 × 14,5 cm | T1,UV | P 02 03 04 05 08 09 10 11 12 14 02 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 14 24 29 44 43