Look In 2025

13538 Pix plastic Pixplasticcuminămarealbastră,accesoriiargintii,disponibil îndiferiteculori. Plastic ball pen Colourful plastic ball pen with a jumbo blue-writing refill and silver applica- tions. We will print your logo on the barrel. ø 1,1 × 14 cm | T1,UV | N 13415 Pix Fun Hands Pix flexibil Fun Hands cu mină albastră şi funcţie touch pentru smartphone şi tablet. Smile hand ball pen Flexiblesmilehandsballpenwithblue-writingrefilland touchfunction(smart- phone and tablet). We will print your logo on the shaft. ø 1 × 17,8 cm | T1 | P 13537 Pix plastic Pix alb din plastic cu mină mare albastră şi accesorii colorate. Plastic ball pen Plasticballpenwitha jumboblue-writingrefillandcolourfulapplications.We will print your logo on the barrel. ø 1,1 × 14,6 cm | T1,UV | P 04 05 09 10 12 14 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 08 08 09 10 10 24 29 40