Look In 2025

W R I T I N G 10694 Pix plastic cu corp modelat Pix plastic cu clip transparent, mină albastră, cu corp modelat. Plastic ball pen with patterns Plasticballpenwith transparentapplications, largeblue-writingrefill,andpatter- ned barrel. We will print your logo on the clip. ø 1,1 × 14,4 cm | T1 | P 17717 Pix plastic cu pete Pix plastic cu gripul punctat şi mină groasă albastră. Plastic ball pen with sparkling dot grip zone Plastic ball pen with sparkling dots grip zone and large blue refill. We will print your logo on the barrel. ø 1,1 × 14,2 cm | T1 | P 17959 Pix din plastic Pix din plastic cu mină albastră, şi grip din cauciuc moale. Frosted plastic ball penwith grooved rubber grip zone Plastic ball pen with push mechanism, blue-writing refill, and soft rubber grip zone. We will print your logo on the barrel. ø 1,1 × 14,7 cm | T1,UV | P 14989 Pix din plastic reciclat Pix retractabil din plastic reciclat, cu aplicaţii colorate și mină albastră de capacitate mare. pen made from recycled plastic Retractablebirosmadeofrecycledplasticwithcolouredapplicationsandlar- gecapacityrefill thatwrites inblue.Your logo isprinted to therightof theclip. ø 1 × 14,3 cm | T1 | N 06 05 12 11 29 29 14 11 10 10 09 09 08 07 07 06 06 05 05 04 04 03 09 05 04 03 39