Look In 2025
17899 Pix plastic cu grip cauciucat Pixdinplasticcubutonşivârfdinmetal,gripcauciucatşiminămarealbastră. Plastic ball pen with white shaft and rubber grip zone Ball pen with push mechanism, rubber grip zone, blue-writing refill, metal pusher and tip. We will print your logo on the shaft. ø 1 × 14,2 cm | T1,UV | P 18656 Pix alb cu clip colorat Pix trendy cu mină albastră din plastic. Datorită corpului alb, culorile lumino- ase ale clipului ies şi mai mult în evidenţă. White plastic ball pen with coloured clip Trendy push-button ball pen with blue-writing refill. The white of the barrel highlights the colour of the clip. We will print your logo on the shaft. ø 1 × 14,3 cm | T1,UV | P 12618 Pix solid din plastic Pix trendy cu mina albastra, deschidere prin apasare buton. Solid plastic ball pen Trendy push-button ball pen with blue-writing refill. We will print your logo to the right of the clip. ø 1 × 14,3 cm | T1,UV | P 13758 Pix cu clip mare Pix din plastic cu mină cu cerneală albastră și un clip extraordinar de mare. Ball pen Plastic ball pen with blue writing refill and extraordinary clip. We print your logo on the barrel or on the clip. ø 1 × 14 cm | T1,UV | P YOUR LOGO YOUR LOGO 10 09 08 05 04 03 10 09 08 06 05 04 09 10 08 05 04 03 77 11 10 09 08 06 05 04 03 38
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