Look In 2025
W R I T I N G 17605 Pix metalic subţire Pix metalic subţire cu design elegant cu clip cromat şi mină albastră. Elegant metal ball pen “slim line” Elegant metal ball pen in a slim shape with chromed clip and blue-wri- ting refill. We will engrave your logo to the right of the clip. ø 0,7 × 13,3 cm | G1,T4 | P 10488 Pix King din metal. Fă-ţi clientul un rege cu acest pix regal: cu coroană şi un cristal Swarowski adevărat pe capăt. Metal ball pen KING Make your customer a KINGwith this royal ball pen including a Swarovski crystal. We will engrave your logo below the clip. ø 0,8 × 14,4 cm | G1,T4 | P 13405 Pix plastic Slim Line Pix plastic cu mecanism de răsucire şi mină albastră. Datorită formei subţire este uşor de ataşat de suportul oricărei agende. Plastic ball pen Slim Line Twistmechanismballpenmadeofplasticwithblue-writingrefill.Thanks to its slimshape, thisballpen isperfectlysuitable fornotebook loops.Wewillprint your logo to the right of the clip. ø 0,8 × 13,4 cm | T1 | P 03 04 05 06 07 05 10 11 06 04 03 06 04 03 37
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