Look In 2025

W R I T I N G 10715 Pix cauciucat Pix metalic subţire, cauciucat, cu accesorii argintii şi mină albastră. Rubber coated ball pen Slim, rubberized metal ball pen in different Colours, with silver applications and blue-writing refill. We will engrave your logo to the right of the clip. ø 0,8 × 14 cm | G1 | P 11747 Pix metalic cauciucat Pix metalic subţire, cauciucat, cu accesorii argintii și mină neagră. Rubber coated ball pen Slim, rubberized metal ball pen in different colours, with silver applications and black-writing refill. We will engrave your logo on the right side to the right of the clip. ø 0,8 × 14 cm | G1 | P 13680 Pix metalic cauciucat subţire Pix metalic cauciucat subţire cu buton, accesorii argintii și mină cu cerneală albastră. Slim ball pen Slimmetal retractable ball pen with silver applications and blue-writing refill. Your logo willl be engraved to the right of the clip. ø 0,8 × 14,2 cm | G1 | P YOUR LOGO 05 10 09 04 03 10 05 09 04 03 03 04 05 06 08 09 10 11 12 24 29 44 77 99 33