Look In 2025

10716 Pix metalic Pix metalic cu aplicaţii argintii şi mină albastră. Metal ball pen Metal ball pen in different colours, with silver applications and blue-writing refill. We will engrave your logo to the right of the clip. ø 1 × 14,5 cm | G1,T4 | P 10419 Pix metalic Pix metalic subţire elegant, cu mină albastră. Metal ball pen Slim aluminium ball pen with blue-writing refill. Your logo will be engraved below the clip. ø 0,8 × 14,3 cm | G1,T4 | P 14469 Pix din aluminiu reciclat Pix subţire, realizat din aluminiu reciclat, cu mină albastră și trei inele deco- rative. Recycled aluminium pen Ballpen in slim shape made of recycled aluminium, with blue refill and three decorative rings. We engrave your logo next to the clip. ø 0,8 × 14,2 cm | G1,T4 | P 05 10 09 03 44 06 04 05 09 06 04 03 05 09 06 04 03 32