Look In 2025
91183 Lampă de cap LampădecapCOB,cubandăelasticășiputerede3W.Lampaare3 funcţii diferite: continuu, flash, și dimabil. Headlamp COB head light with adjustable rubber band and 3 watts power. The lamp has a still, flashing, and dimmable light function. Your advertisement will be printed on the front of the lamp. 6 × 1,6 × 4 cm | T2 | K 91173 Lampă COB Lampăde lucrudinplasticcuoputerede10W,3funcţiide iluminat(continuu, SOS și intermitent), și un mâner pliabil pentru așezare sau transport. COB lamp COB construction or work lamp made of plastic with 10 watts of power, 3 lighting functions (floor, SOS and flashing) and a fold-out handle for putting down or carrying. Your logo will be printed above the light. 13,7 × 4 × 10,2 cm | T2 | K 94855 Lanternă de cap cu LED-uri COB Lanternă de cap COB, din silicon, cu o putere de 400 lumeni, cu multiple funcţii de iluminare, trei LED-uri COB și un bec tip 303. Reîncărcabilă cu o durată de funcţionare de până la 3 ore (capacitate acumulator: 800mAh). Headlamp with COB lights COB headlampwith 400 lumen luminosity made of silicone with many ligh- ting functionswith threeCOB lightsanda type303bulb.Rechargeablewith subsequent operating time of up to 3 hours (battery power: 800mAh). Your logo will be engraved on the silicone part. 8,5 × 2,8 × 3 cm | T3 | K 300
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