Look In 2025

D R I N K W A R E 61485 Cană termo Cană cu perete dublu, etanșă, cu vacuum între pereţi, fabricat din oţel inoxi- dabil, cu capacitatea de 300ml. Mug with pattern Double-walled, leak-proof vacuum drinking cup made of stainless steel with closabledrinkingopeningand300mlcapacity.Your logowillbeengraved on the mug. ø 8 × 16,5 cm | G2 | K 62574 Cană termos cu perete dublu, 400 ml Cană termicăcuperetedublu,etanșă,antiderapant, fabricatădinoţel inoxi- dabil, cu o capacitate de 400ml. Double walled thermo mug, 400ml Doublewalled, leak-proof,non-slipthermomugmadeofstainlesssteelwitha capacity of 400ml. Your logo will be engraved onto the mug. ø 8 × 17,3 cm | G2,RS2 | K 62658 Cană termos cu perete dublu Cana termo din oţel inoxidabil cu perete dublu şi capacitatea de 480ml. Double wall stainless steel drinking bottle Thermo drinking mug with stainless steel casing and a capacity of 480 ml. Your logo will be engraved onto the mug. ø 8,3 × 19 cm | G2,T2 | K 03 05 07 98 04 06 09 04 77 217