Look In 2025

63153 Coș de cumpărături cu compartiment frigorific Coș de cumpărături practic din poliester cu funcţie de răcire și mâner de transport pliabil din aluminiu. Coșul este ușor de pliat. Shopping basket with cooling compartment Handy polyester shopping basket with cooling function and a foldable alu- miniumcarryinghandle.Thebasket iseasy to foldandhasacarryingcapac- ity of 15kg. Your logo will be printed in the middle on one side. 46,5 × 28 × 25 cm | DT,S2 | NWP 63152 Coș de cumpărături Coș pentru cumpărături practic, din poliester, cu mâner de transport din alu- miniu. Coșul este ușor de pliat. Shopping basket Handy polyester shopping basket with a foldable aluminium carrying han- dle. The basket folds easily and has a carrying capacity of 15kg. Your logo will be printed in the middle on one side. 46 × 28 × 25 cm | DT,S2 | NWP 05 05 44 44 77 77 170