Look In 2025

17841 Pix Mark Twain „Columbia” Pix Mark Twain „Columbia”, care se deschide prin rotire, cu design carbon argintiu cu mină mare albastră şi un penar potrivit. Mark Twain ball pen in carbon design Mark Twain ball pen with twist mechanism, in a silver carbon design with a largebluemetalrefill,comes inamatchingpencase*.Wewillengraveyour logo to the right of the clip. ø 1,3 × 14,7 cm | G3,T3 | K 13034 Pix Mark Twain PixMarkTwainde înaltăcalitate,fabricatdincupru,cumecanismderăsucire şi mină mare albastră. Penarul se potriveşte perfect cu pixul, şi oferă un plus datorită designului negru lăcuit. Ball pen Mark Twain High-quality Mark Twain copper ball pen with twist mechanism and large blue-writing refill that makes a difference. The matching case convinces with its black-lacquered design. We will print your logo on the box. ø 1,1 × 14,6 cm | G3,T3 | K 10576 Pix Mark Twain Pix Mark Twain din metal de culoare închisă cu detalii cromate într-o cutie elegantă. Mark Twain ballpen Mark Twain metal ballpen with dark chrome-plated applications, rubberfi- nishanda largeblue-writingrefill.Delivered inanoblecase.Wewillengrave your advertising to the right of the clip. ø 1,2 × 14,5 cm | G2 | K 16