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10761 Set de scris Set de scris din aluminiu, format dintr-un pix cu mină albastră şi un pix Roller. Writing set with ball pen and rollerball pen Aluminium wrtiting set, with 1 blue-writing ball pen and 1 rollerball. We will engrave your logo to the right of the clip. Laser costs are for both pens. 17,5 × 5,7 × 2,2 cm | G2,T2 | K 13330 Set pix&creion din metal Set pix cu mină mare albastră & creion mecanic din metal, cu trei inele de- corative. Metal pen & pencil set Metal pen & pencil set in a black paper box. The pen comes with a large blue-writing refill. We will engrave your logo on both pens. 17,5 × 5,7 × 2,2 cm | G2,T2 | K 12644 Set de scris din aluminiu si bambus Set de scris din aluminiu ce conţine un pix cu mină albastră și un creion, am- bele au zona de prindere din bambus. Aluminium wrting set with pen and pencil with bam- boo gripzone Aluminiumwriting set consisting of a blue-writing ballpoint pen and a pencil, both with bamboo gripzone. We will engrave your logo to the right of the clip of both writing instruments. 15,5 × 4,8 × 1,3 cm | G1,T2 | KS 12558 Set de scris din bambus Set de scris din bambus compus dintr-un pix cu mină albastră si un pix roller cu accesorii argintii și colorate. Setul vine in carton ecologic. Bamboo writing set Writing set consisting of a blue ballpoint pen and a rollerball made of bam- boowithsilverandcolouredapplications.Theset isdelivered inacardboard box.Your logowillbeengravedonbothwriting instruments to therightof the clip (engraving price for both writing instruments). 17,2 × 5,2 × 2,1 cm | CG2,T2 | K 03 04 06 05 03 04 05 06 05 04 12