Look In 2025

W R I T I N G 14016 Set de scris ELITE Set de scris ELITE ce conţine un pix şi stilou cu mină albastră, are accesorii argintii, totul într-o cutie din lemn. Rosewood pen set in stylish case. Wooden writing set consisting of a blue-writing ball pen with metal system refill and a fountain pen including a blue cartridge in a wooden box *with ball pen stand. We will print your logo on the box. 17 × 5,4 × 2,4 cm | CG3,T2,UV | K 14015 Set de scris ELITE Set de scris ELITE ce conţine un pix şi un stilou de lemn, are accesorii de culo- area cuprului, totul intr-o cutie din lemn. Rosewood pen set in case Wooden writing set consisting of a blue-writing ball pen with metal system refill and a fountain pen including a blue cartridge in a wooden box* with brass finish and ball pen stand. 17 × 5,5 × 2,4 cm | CG3,T2,UV | K 12581 Set de scris din cupru si lemn Mini set de scris din combinaţie de cupru si lemn, ce conţine un stilou și un rollerpen(ambelecucernealăalbastră).Capacul instrumentelorpotfi înșuru- batepecapătul lor,caunprelungitor.Setulse livrează într-ocutieecologică. Writing set (brass and wood) Mini writing set consisting of a fountain pen and a rollerball made of wppd and brass, the capsules can be screwed onto the back of the writing instru- mentsasanextension.Theset isdelivered inacardboardbox.Your logowill be engraved on both writing instruments (engraving price for both writing instruments). 10,7 × 6 × 2,5 cm | G2 | KS 11